Saturday, July 18, 2015


I'm pretty sure there is definitely something wrong with them 'cause this happens to my 3rd or 4th entry on them. 
They say that teens are confusing but forget that in their case confusion happens to be their middle name. And I also have a conspiracy theory about them i.e. At some point of time kids, teens and adults all were equal and age was no bar but then there was a turning point in history because that was when a war took place between the 'adults'and the the rest of humanity. 

Clearly they won 'cause otherwise we wouldn't be living under tbeir iron rule 😖. 

And to justify this I don't think that I need to research any example because we are all literally surrounded by adults and while I  really enjoy not being an adult because my parents pay the WIFI bill but I really don't mind doing whatever I want and ththat includes getting up at one to eat or drink caramel sauce because I would be an adult. But until then I'll just be content by writing about it. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Faith In Humanity Restored 🙌

So I was just telling a horror story to my sisters and asked them to take a guess as to who was the victim of the story. And one of my sisters' who is in middle school said "please tell that it was Justin Bieber " !! 😂😂. 

Maybe the real guy was actually killed and some demonic power took over his body. That would explain his weird antics LOL 😋
(Ps this is not actually an entry but I felt like I had to get it out. ) 


It is said that laughter is the best medicine, but if you laugh without a reason then you need medicine. Yet I feel that there is always a reason no matter what behind a person laughing. So if you don't have a reason to laugh here is a range of them to choose from. ; ) 

(I hope you enjoyed it and I know That I am a terrible person for not updating for so long and will hopefully update soon).